The set of Partner Account Management endpoints allows approved Constant Contact Technology partners who are selling the ToolKit product suite (and not our Standalone Products) to provision and manage Constant Contact Toolkit accounts for users as part of their integration. The Partner Account Management endpoints let partners:
Some of these features require that single-bill or partner-bill be setup. If you are not already a partner, learn more here .
Partners selling the Toolkit product have the option of implementing account authentication using either traditional username and passwords, or Single Sign On (SSO). SSO enables users of an approved partner's integration to access their Constant Contact account without having to sign in separately. A partner has to be approved to use the Constant Contact SSO solution. Please contact your account manager to learn more about the requirements for using our SSO solution.
We use the SAML 2.0 standard for implementing SSO. SSO configuration information is available
All partner endpoints use basic authentication protocol which requires the partner username and password, as opposed to OAuth2.0 used by individual v2 API endpoints. SSL is required to access the partner provisioning endpoints.