The Constant Contact API v2 is built on HTTP, uses Representational State Transfer (REST) design principles and supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data-interchange format. Our REST API is simple to use, direct and concise, lightweight and optimized. This architecture enables us to support a variety of platforms, including web, desktop, and mobile apps based on the iOS and Android operating systems. In addition, we provide wrapper libraries for developing apps in multiple languages.
The Constant Contact v2 API is built on HTTP, is RESTful and:
All API URLs start with the following base part:
Follow these steps to create an account and register your app with Mashery, and get an API key.
NOTE: For developers who have v1 API keys, you will need to create new v2 API keys to use the v2 APIs. If you have generated OAuth 2.0 tokens for your users using a v1 API key, those tokens will continue to work with the v2 API keys required for the current APIs.
The Constant Contact API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate an application in order to access a user's Constant Contact resources . For more info, go to the Authentication page. We have created endpoints to help migrate app users to OAuth 2.0 authentication from Basic and OAuth 1.0a .
We provide lots of useful information about using our API on the API Data Formats & more page, including date & time formats, encoding, paginated output, parameter types, read-only fields, supported methods, and more.
Learn about all the API endpoints and supported methods on the API Endpoints Overview page. Each listed endpoint and method links to a documentation page that gives the details about that endpoint and method including the following:
To view the documentation for each method an endpoint supports, click the method button in the Methods section of endpoint page:. The active endpoint is displayed in blue:
You can build JSON payloads, make calls, see JSON responses, and experience how the API works using our API Tester. Click Test API adjacent to the endpoint URI on the documentation pages. You will need to log in with your Mashery/Constant Contact credentials.
See the API Keys page for more info on getting credentials.