Our v3 API is now available! Learn more by visiting the v3 developer portal . Creating new v2 API keys is no longer supported.

Individual Event Registrant Endpoint

Use this API to retrieve (GET) detailed information for a specific event registrant.


Click a method to view its documentation


Description TOP

Retrieve a specific partner webhook topic by specifying the topicId path parameter. See the available topic ID's here .

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Retrieves the email campaign message specified by the campaignId path parameter. The tracking_summary data is current as of the last scheduled update, unless you set updateSummary =true to return updated data.

NOTE: Details of a deleted campaign cannot be retrieved. If a call is made to GET a deleted campaign by its ID, the call will fail and return a 404 Not Found response. You can login to the account to restore the campaign and then retrieve its details.

Description TOP

Privileges required : contacts:lists:read

GET a specific contact list (specified using the listId path parameter).

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:folder:read

Retrieve a specific MyLibrary folder using the folderId path parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

Retrieve a MyLibrary file using the fileId path parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Retrieve an event item by using the eventId and itemId path parameters to specify the event and item.

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Retrieve a list of all items for an event specified using the eventId path parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Get a specific event object (specified by the event_id path parameter). Properties with a null value are not returned in the JSON response.

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Retrieve detailed information about a specific registrant (specified by registrantId ) for an event (specified by eventId ).

Description TOP

Privileges required : campaign:read

Retrieve the collection of all registrants for the event specified using the event_id path parameter.

GET: https://api.constantcontact.com/v2/eventspot/events/{eventId}/registrants/{registrantId}

Test API







REQUIRED; The API key for the application



Unique ID of the event for which to retrieve the registrant details



Unique ID of the registrant to retrieve

Response Codes TOP




Request was successful


The eventId or registrantId provided does not exist


Authentication failure


Unsupported Accept Header value, must be application/json


Internal server error occurred

Response Structure TOP


type (max length)


Example Response TOP

  1. {
  2. "id":"001-nu-rFIacqyhbh9DX_dQz6J0aYSIEE-7BNGRLxQ39iEl_8FfFM-UyyP07AMERY0m9rjqW2_TrTw=",
  3. "sections":[
  4. {
  5. "label":"Personal Information",
  6. "fields":[
  7. {
  8. "type":"single_value",
  9. "name":"NAME_FIRST",
  10. "label":"First Name:",
  11. "value":"Ronnie"
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "type":"single_value",
  15. "name":"NAME_LAST",
  16. "label":"Last Name:",
  17. "value":"Mack"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "type":"single_value",
  21. "name":"EMAIL_ADDRESS",
  22. "label":"Email Address:",
  23. "value":"rmack@example.com"
  24. }
  25. ]
  26. }
  27. ],
  28. "ticket_id":"E52UN85U4",
  29. "registration_date":"2014-02-17T15:23:53.371Z",
  30. "guests":{
  31. "guest_count":2,
  32. "guest_info":[
  33. {
  34. "guest_id":"001-nu-rFIacqyhbh9DX_dQz6J0aYSIEE-7BNGRLxQ39iGCOPym9L7rqqtEIxHXJdZ4",
  35. "guest_section":{
  36. "label":"Guest Information",
  37. "fields":[
  38. {
  39. "type":"single_value",
  40. "name":"GUEST_NAME_FIRST",
  41. "label":"First Name:",
  42. "value":"Bill"
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "type":"single_value",
  46. "name":"GUEST_NAME_LAST",
  47. "label":"Last Name:",
  48. "value":"Hooper"
  49. }
  50. ]
  51. }
  52. },
  53. {
  54. "guest_id":"001-nu-rFIacqyhbh9DX_dQz6J0aYSIEE-7BNGRLxQ39iGzkFwJ2_yFfjc7SpFgvbpt",
  55. "guest_section":{
  56. "label":"Guest Information",
  57. "fields":[
  58. {
  59. "type":"single_value",
  60. "name":"GUEST_NAME_FIRST",
  61. "label":"First Name:",
  62. "value":"Mary"
  63. },
  64. {
  65. "type":"single_value",
  66. "name":"GUEST_NAME_LAST",
  67. "label":"Last Name:",
  68. "value":"Cardillo"
  69. }
  70. ]
  71. }
  72. }
  73. ]
  74. },
  75. "payment_summary":{
  76. "order":{
  77. "total":169.0,
  78. "fees":[
  79. {
  80. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY4PJUvBGM9P1V53KQcYO8Aw",
  81. "name":"Ronnie Mack",
  82. "type":"My Fee",
  83. "quantity":1,
  84. "amount":54.0,
  85. "fee_period_type":"EARLY",
  86. "promo_type":"DISCOUNT"
  87. },
  88. {
  89. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY4PJUvBGM9P1V53KQcYO8Aw",
  90. "name":"Bill Hooper",
  91. "type":"My Fee",
  92. "quantity":1,
  93. "amount":54.0,
  94. "fee_period_type":"EARLY",
  95. "promo_type":"DISCOUNT"
  96. },
  97. {
  98. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY4PJUvBGM9P1V53KQcYO8Aw",
  99. "name":"Mary Cardillo",
  100. "type":"My Fee",
  101. "quantity":1,
  102. "amount":54.0,
  103. "fee_period_type":"EARLY",
  104. "promo_type":"DISCOUNT"
  105. }
  106. ],
  107. "items":[
  108. {
  109. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY4PJUvBGM9P1V53KQcYO8Aw",
  110. "name":"Golf Shirt w/logo",
  111. "type":"Hi-Vis Green",
  112. "quantity":1,
  113. "amount":32.0
  114. },
  115. {
  116. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY7IwqpZ7nzW2Y09fUs00t3Q",
  117. "name":"gyrocopter",
  118. "type":"Color - Red",
  119. "quantity":1,
  120. "amount":10.0
  121. },
  122. {
  123. "id":"PvtgiFHC9rr0cLdpwMrDY7IwqpZ7nzW2Y09fUs00t3Q",
  124. "name":"gyrocopter",
  125. "type":"Color - Purple",
  126. "quantity":1,
  127. "amount":10.0
  128. }
  129. ],
  130. "order_id":"PR1-8955280",
  131. "currency_type":"USD",
  132. "order_date":"2014-02-17T15:23:53.372Z"
  133. },
  134. "payment_status":"PENDING",
  135. "payment_type":"CHECK",
  136. "promo_code":{
  137. "total_discount":-45.0,
  138. "promo_code_info":{
  139. "code_name":"REDUCED_FEE",
  140. "code_type":"DISCOUNT",
  141. "redemption_count":3,
  142. "discount_amount":15.0,
  143. "discount_type":"AMOUNT",
  144. "discount_scope":"FEE_LIST"
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }
  148. }