Our v3 API is now available! Learn more by visiting the v3 developer portal . Creating new v2 API keys is no longer supported.

MyLibrary Trash Folder

Whenever a library file is deleted using either the MyLibrary Individual Files API or the GUI, it is moved to the system's Trash folder. Use this endpoint to view (GET) or to permanently DELETE the files in the Trash folder.


Click a method to view its documentation


Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

Retrieve the upload status for one or more MyLibrary files using the fileId path parameter; separate multiple fileId's with a comma. If the fileId provided does not match any files in the MyLibrary account, the call returns a null set.

Description TOP

Privileges required : N/A

Retrieve MyLibrary product usage information for the authorized Constant Contact account.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

Retrieve all files in the Trash folder. You can specify the type of files to retrieve using the type query parameter. You can sort the output using the sort_by query parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:folder:read

Retrieve a specific MyLibrary folder using the folderId path parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

Retrieve a list of MyLibrary folders and their properties for the authorized Constant Contact account. MyLibrary supports a folder hierarchy with 3 levels of nesting. Primary, child (2nd level) and grandchild (3rd level) folders all have the same properties associated with them. This endpoint returns an empty results array if there are no folders in the user's account.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

The following options  are available when retrieving Library files:

  • Retrieve all files in all folders in the account - do not use any query parameters (except for api_key )
  • Retrieve all files with a specific type - use the type query parameter (ALL, IMAGE, or Document)
  • Retrieve all files from a specific source - use the source query parameter
  • Retrieve a specific file type from a specific source - use both the type and source query parameters

There are many options available for sorting the JSON response using the sort_by query parameter.

Description TOP

Privileges required : mylibrary:file:read

Retrieve a MyLibrary file using the fileId path parameter.

GET: https://api.constantcontact.com/v2/library/folders/trash/files

Test API







REQUIRED; The API key for the application




Specifies the number of results displayed per page of output, from 1 - 1000, default = 50. See Paginated Output for more information on using limit .




Specifies how the list of files is sorted; valid sort options are:

  • CREATED_DATE - sorts by date the file was added, ascending (earliest to latest)
  • CREATED_DATE_DESC - (default) sorts by date file was added, descending (latest to earliest)
  • MODIFIED_DATE - sorts by date the file was last modified, ascending (earliest to latest)
  • MODIFIED_DATE_DESC - sorts by date the file was last modified, descending (latest to earliest)
  • NAME - sorts files alphabetically by name, a to z
  • NAME_DESC - sorts files alphabetically by name, z to a
  • SIZE - sorts files by size, smallest to largest
  • SIZE_DESC - sort by file size, largest to smallest
  • DIMENSION - sorts by file dimensions (hxw), smallest to largest
  • DIMENSION_DESC - sorts by file dimensions (hxw), largest to smallest




Specifies the type of files to retrieve, ALL, IMAGES, or DOCUMENTS

Response Codes TOP




Request was successful


Authentication failure


Unsupported Accept Header value, must be application/json


Internal server error occurred

Structure TOP


type (max length)


Example Response TOP

  1. {
  2. "meta": {
  3. "pagination": {}
  4. },
  5. "results": [{
  6. "name": "menu_form.pdf",
  7. "id": "9",
  8. "description": "Menu template for banquets",
  9. "folder": "Documents",
  10. "height": 0,
  11. "width": 0,
  12. "size": 2171188,
  13. "url": "https://origin.library.constantcontact.com/doc209/1100325770405/doc/amV3YkP05yStjF2F.pdf",
  14. "source": "MyComputer",
  15. "type": "PDF",
  16. "status": "Deleted",
  17. "thumbnail": {
  18. "url": "https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/images1/mlui/mlui_document.png",
  19. "height": 200,
  20. "width": 178
  21. },
  22. "created_date": "2013-06-19T11:45:41.000-04:00",
  23. "modified_date": "2013-09-25T15:32:26.000-04:00",
  24. "folder_id": "-3",
  25. "is_image": false
  26. }, {
  27. "name": "IMG_0257.JPG",
  28. "id": "7",
  29. "description": "competition",
  30. "folder": "Sports_images",
  31. "height": 320,
  32. "width": 240,
  33. "size": 130761,
  34. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/7.jpg",
  35. "source": "MyComputer",
  36. "type": "JPG",
  37. "status": "Deleted",
  38. "thumbnail": {
  39. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/7.jpg",
  40. "height": 200,
  41. "width": 150
  42. },
  43. "created_date": "2013-06-19T11:45:41.000-04:00",
  44. "modified_date": "2013-09-25T15:32:26.000-04:00",
  45. "folder_id": "-2",
  46. "is_image": true
  47. }, {
  48. "name": "IMG_0300(1).JPG",
  49. "id": "6",
  50. "description": "Rich",
  51. "folder": "Images",
  52. "height": 800,
  53. "width": 600,
  54. "size": 60225,
  55. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/6.jpg",
  56. "source": "MyComputer",
  57. "type": "JPG",
  58. "status": "Deleted",
  59. "thumbnail": {
  60. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/6.jpg",
  61. "height": 200,
  62. "width": 150
  63. },
  64. "created_date": "2013-06-19T11:45:41.000-04:00",
  65. "modified_date": "2013-09-25T15:32:26.000-04:00",
  66. "folder_id": "-1",
  67. "is_image": true
  68. }, {
  69. "name": "IMG_0300.JPG",
  70. "id": "5",
  71. "description": "Rich",
  72. "folder": "Images",
  73. "height": 600,
  74. "width": 800,
  75. "size": 39351,
  76. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/5.jpg",
  77. "source": "MyComputer",
  78. "type": "JPG",
  79. "status": "Deleted",
  80. "thumbnail": {
  81. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/5.jpg",
  82. "height": 150,
  83. "width": 200
  84. },
  85. "created_date": "2013-06-19T11:45:41.000-04:00",
  86. "modified_date": "2013-09-25T15:32:26.000-04:00",
  87. "folder_id": "-1",
  88. "is_image": true
  89. }, {
  90. "name": "IMG_0279.JPG",
  91. "id": "4",
  92. "description": "pet shopping",
  93. "folder": "Images",
  94. "height": 600,
  95. "width": 800,
  96. "size": 78071,
  97. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/4.jpg",
  98. "source": "MyComputer",
  99. "type": "JPG",
  100. "status": "Deleted",
  101. "thumbnail": {
  102. "url": "https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs141/1100325770405/img/4.jpg",
  103. "height": 150,
  104. "width": 200
  105. },
  106. "created_date": "2013-06-19T11:45:41.000-04:00",
  107. "modified_date": "2013-09-25T15:32:26.000-04:00",
  108. "folder_id": "-1",
  109. "is_image": true
  110. }]
  111. }